Take Me To The Liver

by Al Yankovic


I'd like to do some more songs about buildings and food
This is a song about liver, very high in protein, very good for ya
Hope you like it

I don't know why
You feed me so bad
Think of all the health food
I could've had

You took-a my yogurt
And my whole wheat bread
You give me Ding Dongs
And Twinkies instead

I wanna know
Can you tell me
When is it going to end

Take me to the liver
Push it on my platter
Give me a piece of liver
Oh, drop it on my platter

Scarfin' it down
Scarfin' it down

Take Me To The Liver is, as of yet, officially unreleased. It was originally performed live on the Dr. Demento show and is a parody of "Take Me To The River" by Talking Heads with original lyrics by "Weird Al" Yankovic.

If you have any e-mail regarding the "Weird Al" Yankovic portion of Hotel XVR27, send it to either . . . .

  • PLEASE NOTE : I am NOT "Weird Al" Yankovic, though I wouldn't complain if I were. Click here to return to the "Weird Al" Yankovic Lyrics list.
    Click here to return to the "Weird Al" Yankovic site main page.
    Click here to return to the Hotel XVR27's Music Floor.