"Bush's Land" by Crazy Chris & Insane Zach

This land is my land
It is not your land
I gotta shot gun
And you don't got one
If you don't get off
I'll blow your head off
This land was made for only me

My name is George Bush
I like to ambush
I am a redneck
And I like Spandex®
Many Countries Hate us
But I don't carrrrrre
This land was made for only me

This land is my land
It is not your land
I gotta shot gun
And you don't got one
If you don't get off
I'll blow your head off
This land was made for only me

We had our big vote
We had our re count
That stupid town
In little FL
Dunno what their doing
They knew that I'd win
This land was made for only me

This land is my land
It is not your land
I gotta shot gun
And you don't got one
If you don't get off
I'll blow your head off
This land was made for only me

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