Song Lyrics By Subject - Medical Technology

Songs within this subject will be listed alphabetically.

I Think I'm A Clone Now (Even Worse, Al-In-The-Box)
Jurassic Park (Alapalooza, Greatest Hits 2, Al-In-The-Box)
Mr. Frump In The Iron Lung ("Weird Al" Yankovic)

If you have any e-mail regarding the "Weird Al" Yankovic portion of Hotel XVR27, send it to either . . . .

  • PLEASE NOTE : I am NOT "Weird Al" Yankovic, though I wouldn't complain if I were. Click here to return to the "Weird Al" Yankovic Lyrics list by subject.
    Click here to return to the "Weird Al" Yankovic site main page.
    Click here to return to the Hotel XVR27's Music Floor.