Apples To Apples - Official Rules - Basic Set

Before You Begin
Number Of Players : 4 to 10 players
Red Apple Cards : 321 cards
Green Apple Cards : 107 cards
Blank Apple Cards : 1 green apple & 3 red apples
Card Tray : 1 (holds 3 stacks of cards - 2 red stacks & 1 green stack)
Setting Up The Game
- 1 - Remove the card tray from the box (green apples on the right, red in the left & center).
- 2 - Use the box as a discard area for already-used red apples.
- 3 - Choose a player to be the first judge.
- 4 - The first judge deals 7 red apples (face down) to each person (including themself).
- 5 - Once players have all 7 red apples, they may look at them.
Playing The Game
- 1 - The judge picks a green apple at random, reads it aloud, and places it (face up) on the table.
- 2 - All players (except the judge) choose one red apple from their hand based on the green apple played.
- For 4 players - Each player (except the judge) plays one 1 red apple. The fastest person plays a second red apple (1 than the other).
- For 5 players - Each player (except the judge) plays one 1 red apple.
- For 6+ players - Each player (except the judge) plays one 1 red apple. The slowest person doesn't get to play a red apple that turn.
- 3 - The judge shuffles the face-down red apples so that nobody knows who played the apples.
- 4 - The judge flips over each red apple, reading it aloud.
- 5 - The judge selects his favorite red apple of those played and awards the green apple to the person who played it.
- 6 - The judge collects all of the played red apple cards and discards them into the box.
- 7 - The tray and the role of judge rotates clockwise (the next person on the left).
- 8 - Before starting the next round, the new judge should deal out cards to make sure everyone is back to 7 red apples.
Winning The Game
- 1 - Keep score by keeping the green apples you've won.
- 2 - Here's how to tell when the game is over ...
- For 4 players, 8 green apples win.
- For 5 players, 7 green apples win.
- For 6 players, 6 green apples win.
- For 7 players, 5 green apples win.
- For 8+ players, 4 green apples win.
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