Apples To Apples - Party Expansion 2 - Green Apples (2006 Printing)
- Active - (lively, vigorous, functioning)
- Affectionate - (loving, passionate, tender)
- Alluring - (attracting, charming, seductive)
- Artistic - (creative, talented, imaginative)
- Astonishing - (surprising, amazing, shocking)
- Authentic - (genuine, realistic, reliable)
- Beloved - (much-loved, cherished, adored)
- Bewildering - (confusing, baffling, perplexing)
- Bitter - (sour, harsh, resentful)
- Bulky - (cumbersome, massive, awkward)
- Childish - (immature, self-indulgent, silly)
- Cheerful - (happy, joyful, merry)
- Cautious - (careful, guarded, watchful)
- Careless - (imprudent, slipshod, sloppy)
- Captivating - (charming, enchanting, bewitching)
- Clear - (understandable, uncluttered, transparent)
- Common - (ordinary, regular, familiar)
- Complex - (multifaceted, difficult, complicated)
- Confusing - (perplexing, bewildering, puzzling)
- Corny - (silly, clichéd, sentimental)
- Costly - (expensive, valuable, pricey)
- Crunchy - (crispy, crusty, crackly)
- Daring - (bold, courageous, defiant)
- Darling - (adorable, dear, lovely)
- Dazzling - (impressive, stunning, glittery)
- Deep - (profound, multi-layered, cavernous)
- Defective - (faulty, flawed, malfunctioning)
- Dense - (thick, solid, unintelligent)
- Deteriorated - (worn, battered, dilapidated)
- Devoted - (loyal, faithful, committed)
- Difficult - (complicated, demanding, obstinate)
- Disagreeable - (offensive, rude, unfriendly)
- Disappointing - (frustrating, inadequate, unacceptable)
- Disgraceful - (shameful, scandalous, appalling)
- Disgusting - (revolting, repulsive, nauseating)
- Distracting - (off-putting, disturbing, confusing)
- Disturbed - (troubled, unstable, upset)
- Dopey - (stupid, dazed, silly)
- Drab - (dull, dreary, lackluster)
- Dreadful - (terrible, frightful, shocking)
- Dumb - (stupid, dull, mute)
- Durable - (tough, resilient, heavy-duty)
- Edible - (not poisonous, ripe, tasty)
- Elegant - (stylish, graceful, chic)
- Embarrassing - (awkward, upsetting, disconcerting)
- Engaging - (appealing, engrossing, attractive)
- Enlightened - (insightful, progressive, knowledgeable)
- Essential - (necessary, fundamental, crucial)
- Exceptional - (outstanding, extraordinary, special)
- Exotic - (unusual, strange, foreign)
- Extravagant - (lavish, excessive, bling-bling)
- Familiar - (well-known, comfortable, intimate)
- Feisty - (lively, spirited, aggressive)
- Ferocious - (savage, cruel, vicious)
- Festive - (celebratory, joyful, merry)
- Fireproof - (incombustable, flame-resistant, fire-retardant)
- First-class - (superior, unequaled, first rate)
- Fishy - (suspicious, dubious, seafood)
- Flammable - (combustible, fiery, burnable)
- Flexible - (bendable, accommodating, adaptable)
- Frail - (fragile, delicate, weak)
- Frisky - (playful, lively, peppy)
- Frustrating - (exasperating, wearisome, annoying)
- Ghetto - (in the ghetto, like the ghetto, from the ghetto)
- Gigantic - (enormous, colossal, gargantuan)
- Greasy - (oily, slimy, slippery)
- Gross - (foul, grotesque, disgusting)
- Grumpy - (irritable, cranky, crabby)
- Hazy - (misty, unclear, obscure)
- Heartbreaking - (distressing, tragic, pitiful)
- Immoral - (morally wrong, wicked, decadent)
- Impressive - (remarkable, extraordinary, striking)
- Incredible - (unbelievable, far-fetched, amazing)
- Inexperienced - (innocent, naïve, untested)
- Inferior - (lesser, second-rate, mediocre)
- Informal - (casual, relaxed, unceremonious)
- Intellectual - (thoughtful, rational, scholarly)
- Intoxicating - (stimulating, exhilarating, alcoholic)
- Intricate - (elaborate, complicated, complex)
- Intriguing - (fascinating, captivating, mysterious)
- Joyful - (happy, pleasant, elated)
- Lame - (ineffective, weak, crippled)
- Liberated - (open-minded, free, enlightened)
- Little - (small, unimportant, miniature)
- Lively - (energetic, animated, vigorous)
- Logical - (rational, reasonable, plausible)
- Magnetic - (attractive, compelling, alluring)
- Magnificent - (marvelous, glorious, grand)
- Naughty - (mischievous, wayward, bad)
- Necessary - (essential, indispensable, basic)
- Needy - (poor, desperate, dependant)
- Nerve-racking - (irritating, distressing, annoying)
- Neurotic - (anxious, phobic, disturbed)
- Non-threatening - (safe, powerless, weak)
- Old-fashioned - (outdated, traditional, behind the times)
- Orderly - (methodical, formal, systematic)
- Passionate - (zealous, obsessive, loving)
- Perishable - (unpreserved, fresh, fragile)
- Perky - (lively, playful, vivacious)
- Pitiful - (pathetic, disgraceful, inadequate)
- Plentiful - (abundant, bountiful, ample)
- Politically Correct - (inoffensive, conciliatory, ingratiating)
- Polluted - (contaminated, impure, tainted)
- Practical - (sensible, useful, functional)
- Precious - (valuable, prized, loved)
- Precise - (exact, accurate, clear-cut)
- Proper - (appropriate, polite, correct)
- Puzzling - (perplexing, mystifying, confusing)
- Quick - (rapid, speedy, abrupt)
- Quirky - (unusual, peculiar, odd)
- Reckless - (irresponsible, careless, wild)
- Regal - (royal, majestic, dignified)
- Reliable - (dependable, trustworthy, consistent)
- Reserved - (detached, aloof, modest)
- Revealing - (exposing, enlightening, informative)
- Revolting - (disgusting, repulsive, sickening)
- Ripe - (ready, mature, full-grown)
- Romantic - (loving, passionate, idealistic)
- Scented - (fragrant, aromatic, perfumed)
- Sensible - (levelheaded, prudent, reasonable)
- Shabby - (ragged, nasty, tattered)
- Significant - (important, noteworthy, substantial)
- Silent - (soundless, hushed, still)
- Slippery - (slimy, sneaky, greasy)
- Solid - (firm, dense, reliable)
- Sour - (acidic, bitter, resentful)
- Space-aged - (modern, futuristic, newfangled)
- Sporty - (athletic, active, rakish)
- Stately - (dignified, elegant, noble)
- Sticky - (gummy, clammy, gluey)
- Strange - (bizarre, weird, odd)
- Sturdy - (durable, well-built, strong)
- Stylish - (fashionable, trendy, mod)
- Superior - (top-quality, advanced, pompous)
- Thick - (wide, dense, bulky)
- Tormented - (attacked, tortured, distressed)
- Trite - (commonplace, unoriginal, clichéd)
- Trivial - (unimportant, random, erratic)
- Uplifting - (elevating, inspiring, soul-stirring)
- Valuable - (precious, important, expansive)
- Warm - (tepid, mild, affectionate)
- Well-preserved - (youthful, fresh-looking, unchanged)
- Worthless - (insignificant, useless, trashy)
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