Apples To Apples - Apples I'd Like To See - Green

Have ideas of your own for new apples?
Click here if you'd like to add them to this list for actual consideration in future expansion sets!!!!!
- Aberrant
- Abhorant
- Agreeable
- Air Headed
- Anorexic (from Melissa Amster)
- Antiquated
- Argumentative
- Atrocious (from Melissa Amster)
- Bothersome
- Buxom
- Cherished
- Clairvoyant
- Commendable
- Complex
- Contageous
- Corrosive
- Crass
- Criminal
- Crotchety
- Debonair
- Debated
- Deceiving
- Decrepit (from Katie Boffa)
- Defensive
- Deformed
- Devilish
- Different
- Doomed
- Dopey
- Edible
- Egregious
- Exhilarating
- Extinct
- Facetious (from Melissa Amster)
- Fidgety
- Flimsy
- Freaky (from Amber Wetherholt)
- Free
- Geeky
- Gooey
- Gross
- Hated
- Hateful (from Amber Wetherholt)
- Hellacious
- Hellish
- Heroic
- Historical
- Identical
- Ignorant
- Impetuous
- Inappropriate
- Inbred
- Inferior
- Insightful
- Instantaneous
- Intermitant
- Justified
- Kindred
- Laughable
- Lean
- Leggy
- Local
- Long-Winded
- Loopy
- Lost
- Lousy
- Lovely (from Katie Boffa)
- Ludicrous
- Manipulative
- Matriarchal
- Muscular
- Musical
- Naughty
- Nauseating
- Nonchalant (from Tim Blausey, et al.)
- Non-Conformist
- Objectionable
- Obstructive
- Obtuse
- Oedipal
- Opaque
- Outdated
- Oxymoron (from Melissa Amster)
- Paranoid
- Particular
- Patriarchal
- Peachy
- Photo-Worthy (from Melissa Amster)
- Pitiful
- Plastic (from Melissa Amster)
- Pleasurable (from Katie Boffa)
- Preachy (from Melissa Amster)
- Pronoid
- Quarrelsome
- Radioactive
- Rancid (from Katie Boffa)
- Regional
- Reprehensible
- Repugnant
- Rotten
- Screwy
- Scrupulous
- Shaky
- Similar
- Sleepy (from Amber Wetherholt)
- Smashing
- Snooty
- Sordid (from Melissa Amster)
- Sour
- Space-Aged
- Spoiled
- Steadfast
- Stringy
- Studious
- Substantial
- Superior
- Supreme
- Sweaty
- Toxic
- Tricky
- Troublesome
- Uneven
- Unimaginable
- Unrelenting
- Vile (from Katie Boffa)
- Vindictive
- Voluptuous
- Voracious
- Warlike
- Wasted
- Whacko
- Wide-Spread
- Willful
- Wretched
- Xenophobic
- Yearnful
- Zealous
- Zen
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